Tuoro on Trasimeno (m 309, from 3866) lies in a basin where took place the phases of the pitched battle between the Romans and Hannibal (24 June 217 a.C.). Legend has it that the Palace of the Goat, rebuilt in the Renaissance, which preserves some archaeological and maybe a fresco attributed to Perugino, arose from the ashes of the mausoleum of the Carthaginian commander; a historical guide on the places of the famous alleged fight.

Interesting is the Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene and ,around, in località Punta Navaccia, the Campo del Sole, an outdoor museum that collects 27 Column sculptures made of sandstone by famous Italian and foreign artists: works, spirally arranged with a central table surmounted by a solar symbol, have the aspect of modern totem.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno The Town Hall Square, 1. 06069 Tuoro sul Trasimeno. Such. +39 075 8259911 E-mail: info@comune.tuoro-sul-trasimeno.pg.it

Tourist Information Office

Piazza Mazzini, 10 – 06061 Castiglione del Lago
Such. 0759652484 – 0759652738
Fax 0759652763
email: info@iat.castiglione-del-lago.pg.it

Source of pictures www.regioneumbria.it Photo. M. Tortoioli

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