Terni (130 m, 113.155 from.), the “Manchester italiana” e la futuristica città industrializzata della retorica fascista, riflette, sin dallo scorcio del XIX secolo, il conflitto tra il suo coté tecnologico-industriale e il ricco bagaglio di testimonianze storicho-artistiche. Al piccolo centro urbano a destra del Nera si contrappongono, nell`ultimo ventennio dell`Ottocento, le nuove compagini industriali e i relativi quartieri operai sorti alla sinistra del fiume; questo nuovo polo di sviluppo urbano sovrasta rapidamente la città storica, and, dopo essersi addensato intorno alle fabbriche, si estende lungo le colline e fino alle pianure di Narni.

Una leggenda attesta l`origne della città al 672 a.C. as the Interamna Nahars, or “città fra i fiumi” (il Nera e il Serra), ma è soprattutto a partire dal III secolo a.C. che Terni consolida una sua peculiare fisionomia urbana, with the annexation to the Roman Empire,the raising of the city walls, the reclamation and Via Flaminia, that goes so far as to coincide, for part of its course, with “cardo maximus” Entries road structure.
With the fall of the Roman Empire the town suffered devastation and looting of any kind, by the Goth Totila, the Byzantine Narsete, and the Lombards, Finally, by Frederick Barbarossa, who ordered the destruction; it was not until the thirteenth century to record faint signs of revival of the urban core.
Between the eighteenth and nineteenth century Terni became the principal manufacturing center of Umbria and, also in consequence of this, start building some works of reorganization (the demolition of the city walls, for example), but especially after the `unit of Italy made the changes that are more showy; begins a long sequence of industrial urbanization, with Fabbrica d'Armi, the Steelworks, the chemical industry and hydropower; the “Terni-Society for Industrial and `l` Electricity” , that exploits the pelvis Black-Velino and the power of Marmore Falls, soon became one of the most important industrial national.
In 1960 is approved the plan of the architects Wolfgang Frankl and Mario Ridolfi; after a couple of decades of slight decline, Terni is risen again sneaking in major investments in the field of information technology `, telecommunications and television broadcast and adhering to innovative projects related to road: confirming, therefore, for the umpteenth time `, brilliant city, dynamic, productive and open to the future.
The traditional, adamantine, image “cities of steel” is in contrast to the much more tender than “city ​​of lovers”, given that St. Valentine was Bishop (273 d.C.) and his remains are preserved here.
Parking: in Piazza A. Bosco there is free parking, unguarded, Street Revival in the underground car park fee of St. Francis, on several levels with lifts and ramps accessible. In addition, you can park in: Via Mazzini, Via C. Battisti ,Via N. Sauro, Via Fratti, Via Colombo, Corso del Popolo, Viale della Stazione, Your Very Monumenti, Your E. Church, Piazza Dante, Square Tacitus, Piazza Dalmatia, Via Botticelli, Road Bardesca, Piazza Barbarasa, Square Buozzi.
Public toilets: public not present, However, there are accessible toilets in the parking lot of St. Francis, respectively to the plane -1 and the plan -2.
Paving: the city ​​is flat, the new part of the historic center, or, C course. Tacitus, Piazza della Repubblica and Piazza Europa was repaved, you can walk easily, also some sections are closed to traffic. Regarding, instead, the ancient area of ​​the historical center, or, Old Course (parallel to the right course of Tacitus) and the area of ​​Corso Cavour (to the left of course Tacitus), Via Fratini, Via XI Febbraio, and the Town Cathedral It is mostly paved with cobblestones and therefore not very easy, in some places uneven and pebble. In cobblestones is also the paving of the Piazza Tacitus and the area of ​​Piazza San Francesco. In addition, many sidewalks are not easy to step.
Tour desk: absent signs for the CVB, However, the ATM is located a few meters from Piazza Tacitus, the entrance is located in Cassian Bon, closed to traffic except for those who have the appropriate permission. There are cameras and electronic gate of the municipal police. The Office is open Monday to Saturday from 09.00 all 13.00 and from 15.00 all 18.00. Such. 0744.423047
Signs blind: in the city there are signs for the blind, However, the Municipal Library is equipped with supports for the blind.
Municipality of Terni Piazza M. Ridolfi, 1 05100 Terni Switchboard 0744/5491

Service of Territorial Tourism Terni STT-IAT
Via Cassian Bon, 4
Such. 0744 423047
Fax 0744 427259
e-mail: info@iat.terni.it
web: www.marmore.it

Open to the public:
Monday to Friday: pm 9.00 at 13.00; Saturday: pm 9.00 at 13.00

Source of the image: Photo www.regione.umbria.it:M. Tortoioli
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